Sunday, March 4, 2012

More about Autism and Employment

After my latest blog radio show this past Monday concerning autism and employment, I wanted to take a little more time to talk about this topic.  As discussed in my show, I believe that the biggest key to improving low autism employment rates is to raise awareness to employers about the benefits of finding uses for the strong talents hidden within individuals with autism.  These talents can only be brought out under the right conditions.  By increasing understanding about this issue, employers can overcome any uncertainty or lack of understanding and arrange a way to benefit both the company and the individuals on the spectrum.  To hear more about this topic, click the following link to listen to Monday's radio show.  There were some technical difficulties near the beginning, but overall, it was a great show:

This May, I have invited to speak at a symposium about autism and employment.  It is very important for me to use my talents and the great conditions I have experienced to help others to better understand the autism spectrum.  Also, in the future I hope to use my talents to become a world renowned fantasy novelist like J.R.R. Tolkien and his "Lord of the Rings" Trilogy, or J.K. Rowling and her "Harry Potter series.  My own fantasy series will not be ready for some time still.  In the meantime, I will continue to raise autism awareness through the resources I have available to benefit others, while at the same time getting my name out to the right people in a way that will help my  future career as a fantasy novelist.  I see it as a win-win situation.  

Who knows what blogging and online radio will lead to later this year and beyond?  There will be more information about the symposium when it becomes available.

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