Ryan Comins is a 2012 graduate of Oakland University with a Bachelor Degree in Business.In 2000, Ryan was diagnosed with high functioning autism at age 12. He has overcome many obstacles to succeed both academically and professionally. Since 2015, he has worked in a call center. With advocacy experience ranging from teaching, blogging, and podcasts, Ryan strives to increase understanding of autism. Ryan lives in Michigan with his wife Jackie and two cats.
Congratulations on your new website, Ryan! I checked it out, and I can say is it’s simply functional. The color scheme you used are uncomplicated, making the online visitors explore your website further. You know, when an individual uses flashy images and colors, he might drive a user away from the page. Good job! :]
Thank you for your analogy Sage Aumick. One of the things I learned in college is that using flashy effects and color schemes can actually distract users from the content on a website rather than drawing their interest. Thanks again.
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